Mastering Chaos

Learn how to build sustainable routines that will save you 5 or more hours each week. Optimize your environment, shift your mindset, establish healthy habits, and build routines.

Wish you could pause time?

As moms, we want to do it all - keep a clean home, make healthy meals for our family, be good employees, good wives, start a business, and do it all with joy.

Most of the time, though, we end our weeks feeling stretched thin, stressed out, and overwhelmed by the ever-growing to-do list. We put too much on our plates and don't even know where to start when it comes to "getting it together". Important things get forgotten, bills come due sooner than expected, and the evenings come too quick.

It doesn't have to be this way.

You can have the meals planned a month in advance, know what you're going to wear the next day, have a calendar system that remembers important events for you and you can have an hour at the end of the day to read a book or work on that hobby you've always wanted to try. With the right routines and structure, you can be in control of your time. All those nessisities don't have to take up your entire day and mental capacity.

What’s inside?

Phase 1: Introduction

  • making time for this course - how to actually change your life

  • mental space matters - why you end each day feeling exhausted

  • before we begin - the format of each lesson and what to expect

  • make this a priority - schedule the time

Phase 2: Physical

  • adapting your environment

  • everything in it’s place

  • marie kondo was right

  • kids have a lot of stuff

  • your clothes should make you happy

Phase 3: Digital

  • how to get to inbox zero

  • the benefits of cloud storage

  • photos, photos everywhere

Phase 4: Emotional

  • pinpointing your stress

  • the power of a mindset shift

  • therapy and appointments

Phase 5: Second Brain

  • setting up the system

  • building the habit

  • using your system effectively

Phase 6: Mundane

  • meal planning made easy

  • consistently cleaning

  • personal maintenance

  • relationships and social

Phase 7: Financial

  • emergency and sinking funds

  • the mental load of debt

  • simplify your finances

  • investments and future plans

Phase 8: Joy

  • how to enjoy reading again

  • faith & meditation

  • cultivate your hobbies

  • develop meaningful relationships

  • making life improvements (next steps)

What to expect

Mastering Chaos is meant to give you quick and actionable steps to get you organized and simplify the most time-consuming parts of your life. 

Each lesson will take 10 minutes or less to read in full. So whether you're implementing these steps during nap time, learning on your commute, or brainstorming while cooking dinner - we'll help you make time to put the action steps into, well, action.

I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am for your course. Just the first two modules alone have helped me get my work email to INBOX ZERO.!


I am so happy that I worked with Nora Conrad. She created how-to videos to teach me the process so that I can take care of things on my own. She was a wealth of information and a professional to work with.


Meet your instructor

I help overwhelmed people get permanently organized by simplifying their lives. I've learned that we all have too many balls to juggle. I can’t teach you to juggle, but I can help you achieve that organized life you've always thought was unattainable (and help you stop worrying about putting on a show).

Get lifetime access for $49 

Frequently asked questions

  • A lot of the language in here is geared toward moms, but anyone feeling overwhelmed by life can benefit from these lessons.

    If you want to learn how to establish life-long routines that keep you organized and take control of your day while making time for the things you enjoy - this course is for you.

  • All the action steps and lessons in this course are geared toward creating life-long habits. We don't want you to get to Inbox Zero only to have to take this course again after your system falls apart. The techniques you will learn in this course will be tools you can use for the rest of your life to help you maintain a calmer lifestyle.

  • The entire first module is all about how to make time to actually complete this course. I know that if you don't have time to do the lessons, you won't see any changes in your life. Initially, you may only have 10 minutes to spare, but as you make your way through the modules, the time will snowball and you will find yourselves with hours to put towards this system. If you had time to read this entire page, I promise you will have time to do the action items within the lessons.

  • Yes! It's not just about making more time, but making USABLE time in your day. If you have 3 hours a night to yourself, but you scroll through social media because you're just too tired to think, this course will help you. I will teach you to manage your mental capacity so you can end your day with enough energy to read, do a hobby or start that side business you've dreamt of for years.

  • The goal of this course is not to make you into some superhuman or magically pause the world for five hours. The goal is to give you some tools to simplify the requirements of life so they take a realistic and intentional part of your day: eating, sleeping, working, cleaning, paying for things. If you complete all the modules, you will truly save time.

    More than anything, this course will help you free up mental clutter. You won’t have to think about what’s for dinner or remember to pay that one bill, because it’ll already be done. It’s incredible how much time we steal from our present selves worrying about a task that doesn’t need to be done until later.

    If you could count up all the time you spend thinking about tasks before & after you take this course, we think you'd come closer to 10-20 hours saved each week.

  • I want you to succeed, so if you complete a few lessons and realize this wasn't a good fit, we have a 14-day chaos-calming guarantee. Just shoot me an email within 14 days of your purchase and I'll refund you, no questions asked.